Geeza represents a powerful source of inspiration, reflecting the strength I've witnessed firsthand in communities across the country. I've observed the activism of figures like Tommy Robinson, who channels the frustrations of working-class individuals. These frustrations, often amplified by leaders, highlight a critical need for true activism that comes from the people themselves. While it's easy for those on the left to voice concerns online, real change requires collective action from those who feel marginalised.

By understanding one another’s struggles, we can identify a common oppressor. This unity has the potential to transcend labels like racism and fascism, allowing us to stand together for a better future. To oppose this working-class resistance under the guise of racism is to show a lack of integrity. We are all part of Great Britain, and our shared values can unite us rather than divide us.

If we continue down the current path, nothing will change. However, by working together, we can uncover new avenues for progress and inspire a spirit of encouragement among all. Despite the prevailing sense of hopelessness, I believe in the potential for positive change, and I encourage us to give it a try.

My reflection:

Coming from an ethnically mixed background, I've lived a life that many like me often criticise, yet I’ve also experienced the benefits of this country—both culturally and economically. I can see the positives: a rich cultural tapestry, opportunities for success, and the comforts many enjoy. However, I also acknowledge the deep-seated issues: the social and economic struggles, particularly around racism and classism, that persist and affect marginalised communities.

I often find myself caught between these realities, unsure of where I stand or what I should support. But one truth is clear to me: the majority of working people in this country are struggling, while a privileged few live in luxury. If I can convince those frustrated, powerful individuals—those like Geeza—to unite, we have the strength to create real change.

What should that change look like? It’s something for us to discover over time. But I’m certain we won’t make progress unless we unite in our shared strength and resolve. Only then can we begin to forge a better future for all of us.


