In the art world, individual artists often create for personal gain, but this project aims to give a platform to those with deeper stories and needs. It started when I bought a blank canvas but realised I couldn't paint. After encountering many homeless individuals, I felt helpless but wondered if art could change their fortunes.
Instead of valuing superficial art, we can focus on creating genuine, meaningful pieces that resonate with those in need. This project allows individuals to express their struggles through art, offering both personal therapy and a way to address common societal issues.
I envision a collective identity through art—"Lonely," "Geeza," "Cages," "FIFA"—that encompasses various struggles. My goal is to amplify the voices of those suffering, challenging the current art market that often rewards the undeserving.
I aspire to bring attention to how taxpayer money is misused and to demand accountability from the elites, not just through taxes but by amplifying their responsibilities. By learning from those in need, I hope to foster a movement where everyone's voice matters, leading to real change.
We are a frustrated, divided people, but this project seeks to unify us peacefully. When we eventually lead together, we will ensure that everyone receives the recognition and support they deserve through their art. The Blank Canvas Project is about giving hope and a chance to those who need it most.